We are thrilled to announce our 31st Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, September 27, 2024, at the Wicomico Shores Golf Course located in Chaptico, Maryland.
Our organizations assist children and adults with physical and mental challenges to become active members of our community. We rely heavily on support from you and our communities to provide services that allow our clients to lead successful and productive lives. Your contribution not only supports our organizations, but also raises the profile of your business among the participants, spectators, and the local community. Sponsorship options are listed on the back of this page.
Our Annual Golf Tournament raises funds to allow our agencies to continue to meet the increasing needs of individuals with disabilities in our community. Much of our success comes from the partnerships created with members of the business community like you. In addition to monetary donations, we also accept in-kind donations for door prizes and auction items, and invite you to sponsor your employees as tournament players.
Whether your assistance is financial, in-kind and/or player participation, you can rest assured that your help makes it possible for individuals with disabilities to be involved in programs such as year-round sports training and competition, as well as pre-vocational/vocational training, transportation and community job placement.
If you would like further information about the 31st Annual Golf Tournament, Special Olympics St. Mary’s County, or The Center for Life Enrichment, please contact Ora at TCLE at (301)373-8100, extension 18, sikorskior@tcle.org or PO Box 610, Hollywood, MD 20636.

Sponsorship Levels
PLATINUM Sponsor {$5000}
- Recognition as a Platinum sponsor in all printed 2024 Golf Tournament materials
- YOUR Company name displayed on certain Center for Life Enrichment & Special Olympics St. Mary’s County Vehicles for the entire year!
- Plus all the features of the Gold Medal Sponsor.
Gold Medal Sponsor {$2500}
- Recognition as a Gold sponsor in all printed 2024 Golf Tournament materials
- YOUR Company name displayed on all Golf Carts used during the tournament
- YOUR Company name placed on player towels
- YOUR Company banner at event (please provide banner prior to event)
- YOUR Company literature & give-a-ways in event gift bags (please provide)
- Reservation for one 4-person golf team at the 2024 tournament (please register by 9/6)
- Press releases & website recognition
- Receive a Tax Deduction
Silver Medal Sponsor {$1000}
- Recognition as a Silver sponsor in all printed 2024 Golf Tournament materials
- YOUR Company name placed on player towels
- YOUR Company banner at event (please provide banner prior to event)
- YOUR Company literature & give-a-ways in event gift bags (please provide)
- Reservation for 2 PLAYERS at the 2024 tournament (please register names by 9/6)
- Press releases & website recognition
- Receive a Tax Deduction
Bronze Medal Sponsor {$500}
- Recognition as a Bronze sponsor on all printed 2024 Golf Tournament materials
- YOUR Company signage at the 2024 Event
- Receive a Tax Deduction
Participation Ribbon Sponsorship
Hole Sponsor {$100}
- Recognition as a Hole sponsor in Program and printed materials
- YOUR Company name & logo prominently placed at tee box area
Door Prize Donor
- Recognition as a Door Prize sponsor in Program, signage and printed materials
- Opportunity to promote Your Company products and services
Tournament Team Information
Registration 7:45am. Each member of your team must check in at registration table to receive a golfing goodie bag. Shotgun start at 9am.
$360 per team Register by July 19 and save $20 per team! Registration must be postmarked by July 19. Non-refundable. Open to the first 108 pre-paid entrants!
Green fees, Cart, Refreshments during play & Luncheon reception after tournament.
Putting Contest, Straightest Drive, Longest Drive (men & women), Door Prizes and other events
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place teams based on flights
at tcle.org or mail to The Center for Life Enrichment, Attn: Ora, P.O. Box 610, Hollywood, Md, 20636
Rain Date
September 30, 2024
Open to the First 108 Pre-Paid Entrants! All teams must be pre-paid!